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Day 4 - Blessings on Your Finances

Blessed shall be your basket and your kneading bowl. Deuteronomy 28:5

A friend once told me she was out for a walk and she found some money. It was exactly what she needed to meet an obligation. Several years ago, when I was in undergrad we were struggling financially, and I needed money to buy books for the semester. My husband drove a city bus at the time. One night a passenger gave him a large tip. It was enough to purchase my books.

God will bless the way He has chosen to provide for you. When your situation calls for increase, He will be faithful to bring increase. Do not worry and fret about your finances. God has all this in His hands. Your blessing may come from a pay check or a bonus, but it can also come from other sources. God has an unlimited supply.

The basket and kneading bowl are receptacles. They are containers to receive an increase. They will be blessed because God will fill them up. Your ministry could be like a basket or kneading bowl. Are you in need of finances in this area? God is saying that He will fill it up. Maybe its things related to your household. God is saying that He will fill them up. Maybe it’s a child who has gotten himself/herself into a lot of debt. God is saying He will fill that up. Whatever your basket represents to you, hear God speaking blessing over it. He says, “I will fill it up.”

So, we pray: Lord let us not be anxious about the things of our daily life, especially our bills and other financial obligations. Help us to trust you as the God who always has more than we will ever need.

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